OUR Stories

Stories will be periodically added to this page that explore different eras, artifacts, and events.

Brewery & Saloons - Prior to prohibition, there were many saloons and a brewery in Rushford.

Jail - Learn about the limestone block jail located at the Depot Park.

Our History: The Early Years - Take a quick tour of Rushford from 1854 when it was settled through the early 1900s. Learn how the early years of the railroad propelled Rushford’s growth.

Theaters - Fun facts about theaters in Rushford from 1909 through 1975.

Tonsorial Saloons - Rushford had a busy tonsorial industry, which were predecessors to barber shops. Check out who were the town barbers from the early years through the 1900s.

Underground Railroad - Abolitionists in Rushford had secret rooms in their houses that hid slaves seeking freedom via the Underground Railroad.

Please contact us if you would like to share a piece of Rushford’s history on this page. We’d like to hear your stories.